Merry Christmas!
Last year, on a whim, I wrote A Cuckold Christmas Story in a weekend. Some stories are a slogfest to get through and others practically...

Make Me Famous Episode Three: A Rising Star - now out!
Hello you wonderful debaucherous devourers of delectable decadence, J. S. Deacon here to announce that the third installment of the Make...
Two big announcements...
The first is that I'm done writing the first draft of Make Me Famous Episode 3: Rising Star. I should have it edited and formatted in...

Final conversion complete
I've finally finished converting all my old "Mr. Silence" books to my current pen name, "J. S. Deacon". Now you can find all my books on...

Housemaid on Haunted Hill - Out now!
Here you go - Housemaid on Haunted Hill: An Interactive Erotic Ghost Story - is now available on Amazon (free on KU).

Housemaid on Haunted Hill - Coming March 15, 2019!
That's right, I just finished the final editing and formatting of my latest epic interactive adventure. This one is off the charts in...

Uh oh, Amy did it again...
If you're subscribed to my newsletter (hint hint), then you know how hard at work I've been lately. That's right, two published stories...

A little holiday cuckold fun...
Greetings and happy holidays! I don't normally do holiday-themed books because I generally find them a little campy but this year,...

Coming Soon - Housemaid On Haunted Hill
​ Making good progress on my next book, Housemaid on Haunted Hill - an epic multi-choice adventure in the vein of The Office Wife but...